
EpisodesThe Dark - A Halloween Radio Play

Episode 6 – Finding Life Through Theatre

Danny Strike is an English-born actor, director, playwright, philosopher and poet. During the 35 years he lived in Germany, he founded two different theatre companies (one of which was Entity Theatre), taught English, Philosophy and Drama at the European School, and made Entity a major force in the Munich and Europe-wide theatre scenes. He then returned to England to cofound yet another theatre company, Pilot’s Thumb, that has launched a series of highly successful plays. In this fascinating interview, Danny talks about what he has learned, some of the mistakes he has made, and how theatre helped open the doors for him to a richer and fuller life.

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EpisodesThe Dark - A Halloween Radio Play

Episode 5 – Bringing Team to Theatre: It’s More Than Acting

Even when you are on stage for the first time as an actor, it is very clear that success is only possible if the entire cast works seamlessly together as a team. But what does that really mean? Tracy Tollmann, the Chair of The Bonn Players Committee, asserts that it is much more than just acting – that it requires a focus on the needs and interests of the entire membership. You will want to be ready to take notes as she shares her ideas and experiences with making team the core principle of managing amateur theatre.

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EpisodesThe Dark - A Halloween Radio Play

Episode 4 – How Can Improv Make You A Better Actor?

Jodi Pfleghar has applied her Education degree for more than twenty years to developing powerful tools which facilitate teaching and learning. Her passion for drama and the arts is reflected in her work editing screen plays, recording voice-overs for TV and film, and leading Improv workshops and performances. In this episode Jodi talks about how Improv has helped her become a better parent, teacher and actor – indeed how to be more fully be present to life. If you want to be a better stage actor, you won’t want to miss what she has to say!

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EpisodesThe Dark - A Halloween Radio Play

Episode 3 – Shakespeare al fresco

Conny Loder talks about the relevance of Shakespeare for everyone today and how the study and performance of Shakespeare’s plays can help actors become better at their craft, help adolescents discover the joys of shared creation, and show all of us the amazing fabric of our humanity. She also shares some of the challenges and funny stories about performing Shakespeare al fresco, or outside in the open air.

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